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  • LinkedIn Personal Branding Guide

A polished LinkedIn presence can be a major difference maker.

The Ultimate Guide to Establishing Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn gives you the information you need to start building your brand and sharing your stories on this incredible platform. You’ll get tips and tricks on optimizing your profile and actionable insights on how to really leverage LinkedIn for success.

Here are a few key takeaways from the guide.

LinkedIn FAQ 1. Do I need to get a professional headshot for my profile photo?

Yes, you really should. For a few hundred dollars, you can make your LinkedIn profile standout from the competition and look fully polished. This is 1000% worth it if you are focused on elevating your personal brand or positioning yourself for your next role.

LinkedIn FAQ 2. Should I include my job title as my headline?

This is a personal decision. In some cases, it’s important to include your title in your profile. In other cases, I prefer to see a more descriptive headline that tells your network what you do and who you do it for. It’s also common practice to include a few dimensions, when applicable i.e., advisory board member.

LinkedIn FAQ 3. Which sections of my profile are most important?

The most important pieces of your profile are the headshot and headline, followed by your about section and career history. To have a fully optimized LinkedIn profile, these are the elements that must be on point.

Download the full guide for more tips and tricks on how to establish your personal brand on LinkedIn.